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Press Release

Alsana Virtual Treatment Programs Help College Students Recover from Eating Disorders

Alsana, an eating disorder recovery community, is helping students adjust to college life by offering virtual support to anyone struggling with disordered eating, according to a recent press release.

A 2021 study in Psychiatry Research found that 28% of college students suffer from eating disorders, which are the second most deadly mental health condition. Early intervention is key to managing and preventing eating disorders from progressing, which is why virtual treatment is so important for busy college students.

College is often the first opportunity for students to live independently. This, combined with new environments and academic pressure, can contribute to unhealthy eating patterns that might lead to an eating disorder. Alsana’s accessible virtual treatment programs allow students to pursue their studies while building healthy habits.

“The pressures of staying on top of school is tough enough as it is. These stressors can trigger disordered eating habits, and treatment can help students improve their overall health to achieve a successful college career,” said Margot Rittenhouse, MS, LPCC, director of clinical services at Alsana Westlake Village. “ With virtual treatment, the recovery process is  accessible from their college living environment, in-between classes and during times that work best with their schedules.”

Benefits of virtual treatment include group and individual therapy, nutrition counseling and meal support, access to care five days a week, and peer support sessions for additional encouragement in recovery.

For more information about Alsana’s virtual treatment programs, click here.

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